Eden Tay Church Guild 2025
Wednesday January 8 at 2.00pm in Freuchie Church Hall
Faith in Older People with Maureen 0’Neill
Thursday February 6 at 2.00pm in Auchtermuchty Church Hall
Parish Nursing with Susan Morrison
Wednesday March 5 at 2.00pm in Freuchie in the Church
AGM followed by a musical interlude
Friday March 7 at 2.00pm in Freuchie Church Hall
World Day of Prayer for the congregation
The Cook Islands
Thursday April 3 in Auchtermuchty Church Hall
Church of Scotland Guild
General Secretary Karen Gillon
The Green Canopy – Malawi
Tuesday April 29 in Cupar Old Parish Church and Centre
Fife Guilds Together
Mini Gathering with the Church of Scotland Guild
Leadership Team
Thursday May 8 Guild afternoon outing – and congregation
of Fife: Eden Tay Parish Church – to Callendar House and Garden
by coach followed by High Tea at Grange Manor Hotel near Falkirk
Contact Brenda Graham 07532 204571 – brendamgraham77@gmail.com
Elspeth Smith elspeth.smith@btopenworld.com

Happy Christmas |
Christmas is a magical time of year - when those who are in any way able rush around, making things ready, festooning the house (and often the garden too) with every kind of glitter and lights, decorating the tree, wrapping and unwrapping gifts, cooking copious foodstuffs, anticipating the arrival of family and friends - a veritable whirl of preparation! Many travelling home to spend time with family, rushing to get there on time. Such excitement. Contrast that with a heavily pregnant young woman travelling, very uncomfortably I imagine, on a donkey led by her fiance to a distant place where they have no accommodation booked, no family to welcome them, concerned that her baby will wait to be safely born when they arrive at their destination by the designated date. Unable to find lodgings they take the only place on offer, a simple stable yard, and are thankful for it. The baby is to be born here - no warm, sterile hospital conditions in this place. What thoughts and anxieties they must have experienced. Then the baby is here and all the trials of the journey are forgotten. All is wonderful, a serene mother gazing adoringly on her baby boy placed in a lowly manger. And then the visitors start to arrive at this wondrous happening foretold to them by an angel. Something so special it is almost unbelievable. Then the Magi with their expensive gifts for this very special baby, the Light of the World. The very first Christmas that changed the world forever. How blessed are we that God sent his son to save all of us, those who have and those who have not - the refugee, homeless, starving, suffering, imprisoned, persecuted. Let us remember them and show them, in every way possible, God’s love not only in this Christmas season but throughout the coming year.
Wishing you all a blessed and peaceful Christmas, Christina Paterson National Convener |

Pray with us |
25th December: this Christmas Day pray that people will know afresh the love and hope of this special day. 26th December: for Guilds in the Borders area of Scotland as they prepare to work together in new ways. 27th December: for Guilds in our twinning areas of Mzimba, Dwangwa, Mzuzu and Bandawe. That they may be blessed with good rains and a good harvest this coming year. 28th December: for the First Minister and members of the government as they work to improve the lives of the people of Scotland. 29th December: thinking particularly of congregations for whom union will become a reality in January, asking that they will find a positivity in their new relationships and an ability to work together to further God's mission in their place. 30th December: remembering National Convener Christina Paterson and our National Vice Conveners Kay, Margaret, Morag and Renee and praying that they will be inspired in their leadership of the Guild in 2025. 31st December: as we look to conclude our current project partnership scheme we give thanks for all who have contributed to the £508,000 raised. 1st January: Happy New Year, praying for 2025 to be a year of greater peace and reconciliation than the year we have just left. 2nd January: for our new Project partner, Bear Necessities, as they prepare to build a new church and community facility in Sliven in Bulgaria. Pray that the right site will be found for the church. 3rd January: for our new Project partner, The Scottish Bible Society, who will this year be sending bibles to babies and their families on their 1st birthday as well as registering new babies born in Scotland in 2025. Pray that these bibles will lead to lives changed and seeds of faith planted. 4th January: for our new Project partner, Release International, supporting persecuted Christians in upper Egypt. Pray that our brothers and sisters will feel loved and supported as a result. 5th January: for our new Project partner, CrossReach, who will be supporting children with special educational needs and parents dealing with perinatal depression. Praying that families will be supported and care given. 6th January: for foodbanks across Scotland who are supporting people in extreme need. Praying that their services will be less needed in 2025. |

Preparation is key |
Advent is often referred to as a time of preparation, a time of waiting, a time of anticipation, a time when we look forward to the arrival or the coming of our Saviour. Preparation is key. During the weeks and even the months leading up to Christmas day there is always much preparation activity as we plan our Christmas day meal, our present giving, our Christmas card writing and much more. In Churches and in the Guild the planning for Christmas events/services starts early. As a people of faith, we are preparing for a celebration that brings glory to God and reminds those around us, in our communities, what the real meaning of Christmas is. The excitement and anticipation during advent go deeper when we take time to prepare ourselves, spiritually. We can prepare for Christmas in so many ways, not only by giving to others, but by giving of ourselves in service to ‘Christ the new-born King’. As Christians we are continually preparing, by seeking God’s guidance through His word, and through prayer. During 2024 the Guild movement prepared to change the organisation of the Guilds Together Groups. We prepared for the new Guild Strategy, ‘Let us Build a House’, the launch of four new Guild projects, our support of LIFT and the visit of our Malawian friends. During advent lets prepare to look beyond Christmas day as we prepare to ‘Build a House’ of faith. Have a wonderful Christmas. Kay Coull, National Vice Convener. |
The Jesse Tree |
National Vice Convener, Morag Duncan, has put together an activity that you can do to help you focus in a new way of celebrating the season of Advent. Advent is a celebration of the first coming of Jesus. It is a time when we anticipate and prepare for his second coming. Advent, covers a period of four Sunday before Christmas. Each week covering Hope/Yahal, Peace/Shalom, Love/Agape, Joy/Chara. Why not think about making a Jesse Tree? This helps us to connect the custom of decorating a Christmas tree to the events leading to Jesus’s birth. 'A Shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.' Jesse was King David's father. You can then make ornaments for the tree that tell the story as told through the Old Testament, connecting the season with the faithfulness of God. Maybe make these on gold or coloured card or use clip art images from the internet and hang them on a branch or a tree. The first week’s ornaments: An apple representing Adam and Eve, the first Sin; Rainbow/Ark, Noah and the flood; Stars, Abraham and the Covenant; A Ram showing the offering of Isaac follow; A ladder, for Jacob’s Dream and then bring this week to an end with a Coat of many colours showing Joseph and God’s Providence. The second week’s ornaments: A Burning bush, God calls Moses; A lamb, representing the Passover and Exodus; Tablets of the Torah, God gives the people the Law; Ram’s horn /trumpet, Joshua and the fall of Jericho; Clay water pitcher, Gideon’s unlikely victory; Grain showing Ruth’s faithfulness and finally a crown, Samuel and the beginning of the Kingdom. The third week’s ornaments: Shepherd’s crook/Harp, David, a shepherd to the people. Stone Altar, Elijah fights the false gods. An empty tent, the reign of Hezekiah. Fire tongs with hot coals, showing Isaiah, and his call to holiness. Tears, for Jeremiah the prophet. Stone watch tower, signifying Habakkuk's patient waiting; City wall, Nehemiah: reform and renewal. Finally the fourth week’s ornaments: we move into the New Testimony. Scallop shell, for John the Baptist; a white lily, for The Annunciation; Mother and child, as Mary visits Elizabeth; Carpenter’s hammer for Joseph; Manger to show born in humble circumstances and finally the word Chi-rho which represents 'in the beginning was the word.' We hope you enjoy making your Jesse Tree. Morag Duncan, National Vice Convener |

Advent big sing |
We were delighted that almost 300 people were able to join us for our Advent Big Sing at St George's Tron in Glasgow and another group of sixty folks shared in the same programme in Dumfries. The programme was based around the candles of the Advent wreath and the themes of hope, peace, joy and love and incorporated carols, readings, reflections and thought about our new project partners. It was a wonderful way to start the Advent season and everyone was in great voice. There are few photos below of both the 3pm and 4.30pm events. Our offering is going to support the Women's Guild in Mzimba who will be buying a field and planting it to help as an income generating project for their activities. These income generating activities help ensure the sustainability of the Guild and ensure that they can continue to care for the elderly, the sick and the bereaved. The women recently built their second house which they rent out to provide further income for the Guild. The offering raised £1112.60 and a further £200 has been donated since. If you can help us reach the target of £1650 please do get in touch using the link below. All donations small or large would be welcome. |

Festival of lights
St Mungo's Parish Church in Alloa is once again hosting its annual Festival of Lights and Alloa Guild - a union of the Guilds from St Mungo's and Ludgate - have sponsored a tree. They chose as their theme the Guild theme (of course!). The general theme is "Let us build a house" so they have houses that light up beneath the tree and some of the Guild houses and handmade ones hanging on the tree. They have also included ornaments that depict Guild projects - daisy chains, bears - lots of them - baubles with little bibles in them and illustrations of the projects. They also left some of the leaflets at the base of the tree so that people could learn more about them. Although they don't expect to get the highest number of votes - one tree has a Santa train running through the tree - they do feel it is a good way to raise the profile of the Guild and the work the Guild does.
The trees remain in place until Christmas and there is a cafe at the back of the Church 4 days a week so if you happen to be in the area - go in and have a look.

Inaugural meeting of Eden Tay Guild |
It is great to see this inaugural photo of the new united Guild at Eden Tay in Fife. We hope that you have a great time and enjoy many happy years together. |

Dundonald Guild is 100 |
Congratulations to the members of Dundonald Guild in Ayrshire who have celebrated their 100th anniversary at a special celebration where immediate past National Convener Rae Lind was their guest speaker. |

I heard the bells on Christmas Day |
At our Advent Big Sing we shared a hymn called 'I heard the bless on Christmas Day'. We hope you enjoy listening to it and have a chance to reflect on the lyrics as we draw nearer to Christmas. |

Pray this month |
12th December: for brothers and sisters in Syria, in these uncertain times for Christians, trusting that they will be protected from harm. 13th December: for Guilds in the Clyde area of Scotland as they prepare to work together in new ways. 14th December: for the Prime Minister and members of the government as they work to improve the lives of the people of the UK and wider world. 15th December: on this Sunday of advent we pray for joy to fill our lives and the lives of those we love. 16th December: remembering particularly members of our armed forces who will be away from friends and family this Christmas. 17th December: for new Ministers preparing for their first Christmas in their own charge and asking that it is a time of a specially close time with God. 18th December: on International Migrants Day, pray for all who leave the place where they know to find a new start in a new place. Pray too for all who risk their lives on small boats and trusting that no lives will be lost by boats sinking this Christmas. 19th December: thinking especially of all who face the fear of domestic violence and for whom Christmas is not a time of joy and peace but a time of conflict and hate. 20th December: remembering the Moderator, Rev Dr Shaw Paterson, giving thanks to God for his service to the church during his special year of office. 21st December: giving thanks for all who serve you God in countries far from home, sharing your message of love, hope and reconciliation. 22nd December: as we wait in anticipation we pray for those whose lives seem hopeless and too hard, praying for someone to draw alongside them and provide the support and encouragement they need. 23rd December: giving thanks for the staff team and praying that they will have a time of rest and relaxation with family and friends. 24th December: remembering particularly all who will be missing someone special this Christmas and praying that happy memories of Christmas's past will bring comfort. 25th December: this Christmas Day pray that people will know afresh the love and hope of this special day. 26th December: for Guilds in the Borders area of Scotland as they prepare to work together in new ways. 27th December: for Guilds in our twinning areas of Mzimba, Dwangwa, Mzuzu and Bandawe. That they may be blessed with good rains and a good harvest this coming year. 28th December: for the First Minister and members of the government as they work to improve the lives of the people of Scotland. 29th December: thinking particularly of congregations for whom union will become a reality in January, asking that they will find a positivity in their new relationships and an ability to work together to further God's mission in their place. 30th December: remembering National Convener Christina Paterson and our National Vice Conveners Kay, Margaret, Morag and Renee and praying that they will be inspired in their leadership of the Guild in 2025. 31st December: as we look conclude our current project partnership scheme we give thanks for all who have contributed to the £508,000 raised. 1st January: Happy New Year, praying for 2025 to be a year of greater peace and reconciliation. 2nd January: for our new Project partner, Bear Necessities, as they prepare to build a new church and community facility in Sliven in Bulgaria. Pray that the right site will be found for the church. 3rd January: for our new Project partner, The Scottish Bible Society, who will this year be sending bibles to babies and their families on their 1st birthday as well as registering new babies born in Scotland in 2025. Pray that these bibles will lead to lives changed and seeds of faith planted. 4th January: for our new Project partner, Release International, supporting persecuted Christians in upper Egypt. Pray that our brothers and sisters will feel loved and supported as a result. 5th January: for our new Project partner, CrossReach, who will be supporting children with special educational needs and parents dealing with perinatal depression. Praying that families will be supported and care given. |

Moderator's statement on the one-year anniversary of the 7 October attacks |
There are no words that can adequately sum up our feelings and emotions as we reflect on a year of conflict in Israel and Gaza. The massacre in Israel on 7 October 2023 and the war, with widespread destruction within Gaza, that followed has brought suffering to hundreds of thousands and elevated tension between communities throughout the world. It is hard to imagine that we are still witnessing scenes of horror and devastation, and yet it is a reality. Innocents are still suffering; families are still mourning; what we see through media images is an everyday reality for so many. We are horrified by the extensive loss of life. While we cannot articulate words to describe what people are living through, we must use words to bring about a resolution to this dreadful situation. Last year, my predecessor, the Very Rev Sally Foster Fulton made comment about the conflict: "We call for calm and active consideration for the innocent civilians who are suffering in Israel and Gaza. Peace in our world can never come through violence. Peace in our spirits can never come through revenge." As events continue to unfold, we too pray for an end to the war on Gaza and Lebanon, an end to the attacks, and for a just resolution for all the people of Israel and Palestine, and call upon all parties to lay down their weapons and enter meaningful dialogue to bring this conflict to an end. Our prayers are with those who are suffering the effects of this year of conflict that they might be comforted. We pray also for an end to hostilities and for meaningful dialogue that gives Israelis and Palestinians their rights to safety and self-determination. We pray that the familiar words from Isaiah will become a reality: "they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more." (Isaiah 2:4) A prayer for peaceLord God, you have commanded us to love our neighbour … And yet we have failed. Lord God, you have commanded us to love one another … And yet we have allowed hatred to grow in strength. Lord God, you have commanded us to follow the example of Christ … And yet we have become motionless and silent. Lord God, you have commanded us to reach out beyond every human made barrier … And yet we have closed our senses to the problems that exist in our world. Help us to turn the word peace into a verb that we become active in seeking opportunities for dialogue and meaningful discussion as a means to identify a path to peace for all people in Israel and Gaza. Almighty God, as we note this significant anniversary, we pray for an end to the war on Gaza and for a just resolution for all the people of Israel and Palestine. We condemn all acts of violence and atrocities and pray that every individual may live free from the horrors still being endured. May this anniversary be an opportunity to step back from further escalation as we see it unfolding in the Middle East, and may we work together for peace and justice for all. We remember all those who endure continued trauma and distress, those suffering physical and emotional injury and those who have been bereaved. Give to them your comfort and enable them to know that they are surrounded by your love. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen |

The Guild Annual Gathering 2024
The Guild Annual Gathering of 2024 exceeded all our expectations as we combined a moving and thought-provoking Holy Communion led by our Moderator with the vibrancy and energy of our Malawian sisters and brother not to mention a spot of ceilidh dancing! The four new project partners gave us inspiration for the coming three years and the installation of our new National Convener, Christina Paterson, saw the baton being passed for the year ahead. It was a day of celebration, encouragement and great enthusiasm both in the hall and in our live link locations. If you couldn't manage on the day then watch out for the email that will be sent to all Guild contacts containing the video of the highlights. Alternatively use the link below to request the video is sent to you directly |

Live links a huge success |
Our Annual Gathering is a highlight of the Guild year but not everyone can attend in person. These folks from Bourock were amongst the 400 plus people who joined us via the live link. They all enjoyed the chance to meet together and be part of the Annual Gathering celebrations |
For me, the best description of the word Reflection is: “an image from a reflective surface.” In my many visits to Guilds throughout the country I have been hugely affected by the variety of ways that the image of Christ is being reflected and displayed through the Guild’s worship, witness, and work. The volume of work carried out both in local situations and among our ecumenical and overseas partnerships impresses me greatly. Take for example the ready response to the Appeal we organised before Christmas for Ekwendeni Hospital, Malawi. The Chancel of St George's Tron Church Glasgow was swamped with donations of goods and cash at our Christmas "Big Sing". For a relatively small army of some 11,000 members, many of whom are of “mature” years, the Guild punches well above its weight. The way in which the Guild integrates community with Church is a splendid example of mission, whether it be in local community halls, bowling clubs, or providing much needed services to support neighbourhoods. Sometimes these activities are taking place in communities where there are now no Church buildings and I think this can be held up as a fine example for congregations to follow. Adaptability is key to the many and varied ways of enhancing mission and ministry in which branches excel. There have been wonderfully creative ways of fundraising for the Projects – all wh continued compassion and enthusiasm. As well as generating much needed and appreciated support for the Projects, fellowship, love and trust among us is generated too. I am delighted with the response to my Challenge as Convener this past year. Clearly, reading good, wholesome Christian literature has inspired many in their growth in grace. I offer my warmest thanks to those who responded and submitted short Reviews of the books which have impacted them most. You will be able to access these Reviews in a separate publication. I am grateful to you all, and to the Lord, for honouring me with the privilege of representing the Guild over the past year. It has been inspiring, challenging, and heart-warming to witness the outpouring of faith which springs into action in sacrificial ways. The vision of our founder Very Rev. Dr Archibald Charteris continues undiminished. This is because we know Whose we are, and because it is He who provides the reason we serve. Rae Lind National Convener. |
Annual Gathering Update |
We are now just a few weeks away from the 2024 Annual Gathering and we are delighted that more than 700 people will join us for what promises to be a wonderful day of worship and celebration. This year we will be joined by the Right Rev Dr Shaw Paterson, our Moderator, who will lead us in Holy Communion and by our new Project Partners who will let you know more about what they hope to do as partners. We are also delighted to have five members of the Guild in the Synod of Livingstonia, Gloria, Monicah, Jane, Iness and Daniel as our special guests. It is so exciting to have them with us before they spend a week with Guilds in different parts of Scotland. We will also be live streaming the event and you will be able to access this at The Church of Scotland from 10.30am on the day. We still have a spaces available so why not come along in person. Use the link to book your seat (no tickets this year!) |
Moving forward
Hello Everyone, It’s now only days away from the Annual Gathering when I will have the honour of taking up the baton from Rae as she comes to the end of her very successful year in office as your Guild National Convener. I have big shoes to fill and so I ask you to keep me in your prayers.
Already this has been a momentous year for me, becoming an elder in my local church and completing my second year as one of your four National Vice Conveners. And it promises to continue to be an exciting and busy twelve months, probably with many unknowns, but whatever God’s plans for me and for our Guilds and Guilds Together groups we can be assured He continues to have work for us to do, and, as always, our Guild members are His willing hands.
We have a long and enviable history in making a difference, improving and enhancing the lives of many and, as in previous years, supporting our inspiring new Project Partners all of whom will be speaking at the planned mini-gatherings in October where I hope to meet as many of you who are able to come along.
I am astounded at the innovative work which goes on in Guild branches across the country and it is one of the things I am looking forward to seeing firsthand on my visits.
I am also anticipating the blossoming of our young adults in LIFT (Love in Fellowship and Trust) as their numbers grow steadily. They will be our future so please join with me in giving them all the encouragement and support we can.There are so many things to look forward to - new three year strategy ‘Let Us Build a House’; new theme ‘Sure Foundations’; new Project Partners; new Guilds Together groupings and events; mini-gatherings across the country; Big Guild Weekend; Big Sings and of course our Annual Gathering where we will welcome our guests from Malawi, share in Holy Communion with them, and host them during their Scottish sojourn.Add into the mix all the activities at your local Guild - aren’t we blessed to be part of this wonderful, forward-looking Guild movement?Can you tell I am excited about the year ahead?Your Convener Elect,Christina Paterson
Our young adults have a great programme planned up until Christmas. Please do encourage any young people you know to go along to some or all of the meetings
Friends from Malawi |
We are delighted to be welcoming five visitors from the Synod of Livinstonia next week. Gloria, Monicah, Iness, Jane and Daniel will be spending a few days with the National Guild including sharing in our Annual Gathering before heading to various areas to spend the week. Gloria, who is the Director of the Women's Guild will be spending time with Rae and Karen learning more about how the Guild is engaged Nationally. Daniel is heading to Shetland with whom his Presbytery of Dwangwa is twinned. Iness is from Mzuzu Presbytery and will be in Dunbartonshire where they have twinned. Jane is off to Ayr building on a long-standing twinning with Bandawe Presbytery. Monicah will be in North Ayrshire including visits to Arran and Cumbrae as part of their twinning with Mzimba Presbytery. It promises to be an exciting time and will help cement our relationship with the Guilds of the Synod of Livingstonia. |
Project Zoom meetings |
During Guild week we will be holding three zoom meetings to enable members to come together and share in fellowship. On Monday 9th at 7pm we will be joined by two of our new Project partners, Release International and the Scottish Bible Society. They will each share something about the project and then there will be a time for questions. The meeting will last approximately one hour. On Wednesday 11th at 7pm we will be joined by our other two, new Project partners, Bear Necessities for Bulgaria and CrossReach. They will each share something about the project and then there will be a time for questions. The meeting will last approximately one hour. Finally on Thursday 12th at 10am we will be joined by representatives of Prospects who will let us know how the sure foundations laid through the 'All Friends Together' project have been built on. Again they will each share an update and then there will be a time for questions. The meeting will last approximately 45 minutes. You can get the zoom link by emailing guild@churchoffscotland.org.uk |
Mon 2nd: for safe travel for our visitors from Malawi. Tues 3rd: thinking particularly of those living with a terminal diagnosis. Asking that God will draw particularly close and be a constant companion. Wed 4th: giving thanks for the work of Mission International in Haiti where a Guild project partnership has helped support church building and development. Thurs 5th: for the Presbytery of Forth Valley and Clydesdale as they search for a new Presbytery Clerk, asking that God will call the right person to this charge. Fri 6th: remembering our young folk as they have their online meeting. Sat 7th: thinking especially of all participating in the Annual Gathering and all who will attend, praying it is a time of real blessing and giving thanks for Christina Paterson as she begins her year serving as National Convener, praying that God will bless her in her leadership. Sun 8th: as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Guild week we give thanks for former National Convener, Elspeth Dale and former General Secretary, Lorna Paterson whose idea has turned into a celebration of the Guild every year. Mon 9th: for Newton Mearns Guild as they begin their new session asking for their session to be filled with fellowship, faith and fun. Tues 10th: for Guilds in Dumfriesshire as they come together for a Guild quiz and Afternoon Tea. Wed 11th: for the online zoom meeting taking place tonight, praying that good numbers will attend. Thurs 12th : for Guilds in Ayrshire who are having a Scottish day. Fri 13th: for those struggling with mental ill health, for whom today is a struggle. Praying that they will find a way through and a path to wellness again. Sat 14th: for Guilds In Dunbartonshire, Inverclyde and Paisley who are coming together today to walk and talk and help cement their new Clyde Guilds Together Group. Sun 15th: giving thanks for services across Scotland where Guild members will rededicate themselves to the work and witness of the Guild. Mon 16th : asking for a safe journey home for our friends from Malawi and for Karen as she takes them to London. Tues 17th: giving thanks for our Moderator, Shaw, for his down to earth manner and ability to put people at their ease. Praying that God will richly bless him and his wife Christine this year. Wed 18th: for Assembly Trustees led by Rev David Cameron, as they help lead the church through these challenging times. Thurs 19th : giving thanks for all who serve Guilds locally, regionally and nationally. Praying that they will be filled with enthusiasm and energy for the year ahead. Fri 20th : for Mandy, our senior administrator, as she embarks on a well-earned holiday. Praying that she will come back refreshed. Sat 21st: for the 'Wee Big Sing' being held in Machars and for all who will attend from Galloway and further afield. Sun 22nd: giving thanks for ministers who have been called to new charges in recent months, praying that their ministry will be blest and praying too for the places where they have left that they will be strengthened for the months ahead without a minister inpost. Mon 23rd: remembering the families of the children killed and injured in Stockport, who when the cameras leave, live with the loss or injury of their child and the devastation that brings. Tues 24th: for everyone attending the Christian Aid stakeholders Gathering, particularly Christina as she represents the Guild. Wed 25th: giving thanks for the Guilds in Ayr and District Guilds Together as they meet to think about out new strategy, 'Let us Build a House.' Thurs 26th : remembering former National Convener, Dorothy Dalgleish, now living in Annan, praying that God will draw close to her and know she is still remembered by the Guild. Fri 27th: for Guilds going through unions and in turn Guild mergers. Pray that this will be a time of hope, whilst celebrating all that has gone before. Sat 28th: for our Mission Partner, Ken Ross, as he serves God in Malawi, supporting the three theological colleges there and he also supports the Nile Theological College in South Sudan; the Giffen Institute of Theology in Kanyama refugee camp, Kenya; and the beginnings of a theological department in the Igreja Evangelica de Cristo em Mocambique (IECM). Sun 29th: remembering especially all the individual members of the Guild who perhaps don't have a branch nearby but want to stay part of the Guild family. Mon 30th: for all who translate the Bible into other languages, bringing the word of God alive to so many in so many different places. Tues 1st: asking a special blessing on our General Secretary, Karen, as she speaks at St Columba's Guild in Kirkintilloch. Wed 2nd: remembering areas of the world where conflict reigns, and thinking especially of ongoing tensions in the Middle East, praying for calm heads and a lasting solution. Thurs 3rd : giving thanks for our 'at home' members, folks who have been long-time members of the Guild but who can no longer manage to meetings. Praying that they will know that they are loved and remembered by the Guild family. Fri 4th : for the staff in 121, the Guild staff and those who support them. Sat 5th: thinking of Mission Partners, Keith and Ida Waddell in Zambia based in Mwandi Mission in Western Province, where Keith is Mission Partner (Special Needs) and Ida, Mission Partner (Health). Keith is focusing on the establishment of a sheltered workshop for young people and Ida, on moving the Mission Hospital to a specialist facility. Sun 6th : for our Project Partners, BEAT, Starchild, Home for Good, Pioneers, Unida and the Vine Trust as they continue to visit the Guild until December. |

New National Convener selected |
Following a meeting of the National Council last week we are delighted to announce that Christina Paterson, of Stirling and Clackmannanshire Guilds Together, was unanimously selected as our National Convener Elect for 2024-25. Speaking after the meeting she said: "After serving as National Vice Convener for nearly two years I feel honoured to be elected as your next National Convener. I fully realise the huge responsibility of this role but I will be blessed to have the support of our dedicated Leadership Team, our General Secretary, the invaluable encouragement of your prayers, and the inspiring example of our previous two National Conveners with whom I have served alongside. It has been quite a steep learning curve over the past several months especially in the light of all the changes taking place in our churches and in the restructuring of the Guild, and anxiety is understandably widespread. However, being a people person and seeing all your skills and talents, your resilience and enthusiasm, your willingness to make things work and your faithful service to the Guild, this time of uncertainty will pass and I am relishing the opportunity to support you through this period of transition. The Young Adult Guild, now renamed LIFT (Love in Fellowship and Trust), is continuing to grow and it will be a joy to encourage them and see them flourish. Our four new Project Partners have already touched my heart and I can’t wait to see the impact they will have through your tremendous support. The new timely and apt three-year strategy of ‘Let us Build a House’, will provide many exciting opportunities to pull people and Guilds together, to build upon the already ‘Sure Foundations’ evident in our Guilds so important to our four new Project Partners who will all be speaking at the mini-gatherings arranged for this Guild year. It is my hope that I will meet as many of you as possible at these events and also at the other ‘biggies’ throughout the year especially the Annual Gathering when our Guild representatives from Malawi will be participating. Such an exciting year ahead! There are so many aspects to the work of our amazing Guild that I have no doubt this coming year will be demanding but I am looking forward to the challenge in the knowledge that God will equip me with the skills and resources I need to serve the Guild and therefore to serve Him." ‘I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.’ Christina Paterson, National Convener Elect 2024-25 |

2021-24 Projects break £450,000 |
We are so excited that our current Project Partners have exceeded £450,000 - an incredible amount with six months to go. It is a testament to the dedication and commitment of Guild members across Scotland who have engaged with the projects, held events to raise funds and have brought these important issues right to the heart of the Church.
Total: £459,730.09 |

Four new Project Partners announced |
Our Project Coordinators met in Edinburgh last week to hear who will be our four new Project Partners for 2025-27. We are delighted we will be working with Release International, Scottish Bible Society, Bear Necessities and CrossReach. We hope that you will be inspired as you engage with each of them. Projects will be available to speak to Guilds from January 2025. |

Operation Hope - Egypt |
The first project we will be working with is Operation Hope in Egypt. We will be working with Release International to provide help and support to Christians in the Upper Egypt area. Christians face discrimination in education, employment and law. Many are trapped in poverty and are under pressure to convert to Islam. The project aims to provide Christians with support with basic living needs including housing, basic sanitation and food. They will also provide small scale grants for income generation projects and support Christians through pastoral care. This is a project that will change the lives of marginalised Christians and enable them to have a much better basic standard of living. |

Bibles for Bairns |
The Bible is key to how we learn and explore our faith. Reading to your child helps to develop literacy skills that are vital in later life. These two things are combined in our Bibles for Bairns project with the Scottish Bible Society. We want to provide a bible to every child born in Scotland whose parents are happy to receive it. Once a child is registered they will receive a present of bible reading materials on their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th birthday. On their 5th birthday they will receive their own children’s bible. This is a great way for Guilds to engage with their local community, with toddler groups, with health visitors and others to sign them up for this great gift. We also hope that churches will sign up with the Scottish Bible Society to say that they welcome families. Registration for children born in 2024 is now open so why not get folk signed up now? Just check with mum or dad that they are happy to be signed up. |

Playful beginningsCrossReach, the social care arm of the Church of Scotland has been a long-standing partner of the Guild. Our project with them this time will focus on giving children the best possible start in life.
Working together for these three years, we hope to build a house that lays a strong foundation for vulnerable families. Together we will support families at Sunflower Garden in Edinburgh and Daisy Chain in Glasgow.
The Guild will support specialist perinatal therapy with creche support at Sunflower Garden. The team there delivers Parent and Infant Relationship therapy. Parents can access their counselling sessions while leaving their baby in trusted hands.
Daisy Chain is a community based, inclusive, early intervention project for children under 12, and their families. With your support, the team will work to improve children's health and wellbeing through play and nurture. Your help will strengthen family relationships and support families to become more resilient. Children with disabilities, from deprived backgrounds and facing home challenges can thrive here.

Prospects |
When I joined the Guild, I quickly became interested in finding out how the Guild started and what happened apart from the weekly meeting which took place in my own church, a vital part of what the Guild does. Our branches are the backbone of the Guild. I learned about Very Rev Dr Archibald Charteris whose vision gave us the wonderful movement we have today. I also learned about our Projects and that the Guild has reached out and supported so many groups in Scotland and abroad and has not been afraid to tackle difficult issues. One project which caught my attention and captured my heart was Prospects, now Prospects Across Scotland. Since my year as National Convener ended in September 2023, I have been fortunate and privileged to become a member of the Board of Trustees of Prospects Across Scotland, (PAS). PAS works with churches throughout Scotland, to help them make their services more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Some churches have a group which tries to bring a Bible message to people with learning disabilities in an understandable way. At this time of year, Guilds are planning their programme for next session. If you would like a speaker from PAS to come to your Guild or to speak at a weekly service, contact PAS. Contact details and much more information is on the Prospects across Scotland website. Helen Eckford, National Convener 2022-23 and Prospects Across Scotland |

Holy Communion |
It is traditional that at the June National Council meeting, members join in Holy Communion, led by a minister chosen by the National Convener. This year we were delighted that Rae's husband Rev George Lind was able to lead us in a very meaningful service in the chapel at the church offices in Edinburgh. It was a great start to a busy day, with a time to rest, reflect and remember. It was also the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and so members were able to think of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we could enjoy the freedoms we have today. At the Annual Gathering this year we will be sharing in an agape meal led by the Moderator, the Rt Rev Shaw Paterson and if you would like to help with the serving of the elements please do let us know. |

General Assembly |
We were delighted with the positive response that our National Convener received when she presented the Guild report to the General Assembly. There were a number of positive contributions from Commissioners and many more good conversations over coffee and in chats around the Assembly. The video from our Young Adult Guild was also warmly received. All in all a good day, well done Rae, the Guild is grateful for your thoughtful and prayerful leadership over the past year |

Please pray this month |
12th June: for National Convener, Rae Lind, as she meets Guilds in Galloway praying for safety in travel. 13th June: for Guilds in Prestwick meeting today to consider the way forward. 14th June: for our National Convener elect, Christina Paterson, as she prepares to serve the Guild in this new role. 15th June: for Guilds in Lanarkshire as they share together at an Afternoon Tea and AGM to establish their new Guilds Together group. 16th June: for the brothers and sisters visiting us from Malawi, praying that the visa process will go simply and they will be all able to join us in Scotland in September. 17th June: giving thanks for all who serve us as Guild office bearers, giving thanks for their dedication and commitment to the Guild. 18th June: for past General Secretary, Iain Whyte, giving thanks for his important contribution to the work of the Guild over his 10 years in office. 19th June: for our new project partner, CrossReach, giving thanks for the important contribution to social care in Scotland and in particular praying for the work of Daisy Chain and the Sunflower Garden. 20th June: for past National Convener, Marian Macintyre, giving thanks for her continued work within the Guild and the Church more widely. 21st June: for Guilds in the Clyde area as they work to establish their new Guilds Together group. 22nd June: for all attending the celebration of the life and witness of Eric Liddell at St Giles Cathedral to mark the 100th anniversary of his Olympic gold medal. 23rd June: for General Secretary, Karen Gillon, as she speaks at Lower Largo on behalf of the Guild. 24th June: for our new project partner, Bear Necessities, giving thanks for their vision to build a new church in Sliven in Bulgaria. 25th June: for the Moderator, the Rt Rev Dr Shaw Paterson, as he meets congregations across the country and serves the Church nationally and internationally. 26th June: for all victims of human trafficking, praying that the gangs will be broken and people are able to live a life full of hope. 27th June: for our new project partner, the Scottish Bible Society, asking that God will prepare the hearts of all the children who will receive bibles. 28th June: for General Secretary, Karen Gillon, as she takes a summer break. Praying for rest and relaxation with family. 29th June: for Presbytery Clerks across Scotland as they support the development of a new structure for the Church and encourage congregations to focus on mission in their local community. 30th June: for all who have lost a loved one in the past year. Praying for comfort and strength as they come to terms with their loss. 1st July: for Guilds in Aberdeenshire as they develop their new Guilds Together groups and encourage Guild members to be involved 2nd July: for small businesses in our local communities who enable our villages and towns to thrive. 3rd July: for Mission Partners, Keith and Ida Waddell, serving God in Zambia, that they will be refreshed after a time of furlough in Scotland. 4th July: for all candidates standing in the General Elections, praying for wisdom and discernment as we all vote. 5th July: for the new Prime Minister and their Cabinet, praying that compassion, justice, wisdom and integrity will guide their decisions. 6th July: giving thanks for the work of Christian Aid, bringing hope and opportunity through partners across the globe. 7th July: for our new Project Partner Release International as they prepare to work with us over the next three years serving the Christian community in Upper Egypt |
Looking forward to the General Assembly
Watching the General Assembly online over the years has made for absorbing viewing and has always been thought-provoking.I expect that being physically present will help me pick up on the sentiments expressed in body language, which often go unnoticed on screen. They are at times bound to be more telling than the spoken word in debate.I hope to reconnect with people whom I have known over the years, while forging new friendships during the week. In this setting, the way will be opened up for dialogue with others in the common bond of Christian fellowship. No matter where in the world we are, there is always a ready connection with fellow believers reminding us we have one Lord, one Faith, and one Church.I see my attendance in this particular forum as an opportunity to listen and to disseminate information about the Guild. This will help develop links which will enrich our knowledge of the life of the Guild and of the wider life of the world-wide Church.There will most likely be the possibility of learning more about aspects of Church life with which I am unfamiliar. As I preview the Reports and view the programme for the week, I am already planning to visit some of the lunch-time meetings which flesh out topics of interest.What is my role? I see this as an occasion to advance the influence of the Guild by networking widely on members’ behalf, and to inform others of the passion and vision we share for the Guild.I would appreciate your prayers as I deliver the Guild Report on Tuesday, when I am honoured to represent you, the members of the Guild, and of course our Lord and Master Whose we are and Whom we serve.Rae LindNational Convener.P.S. There are also some tickets available for our Guild Big Sing on Tuesday at 7pm when we will hear from our six project partners. We can add your name to the list, just let us know.

Spring Sing Success |
It was a joy to be with folks from across the North West Highlands for their inaugural Spring Sing. The day brought together Guild members from Caithness, Sutherland, Ross-shire and Lochcarron and Skye in a wonderful day of worship and celebration. It was so encouraging to have so many people make such an effort to be there and share in the day. It is hoped that this kind of event will become an annual one held in different parts of the new Guilds Together Group for the North Highlands. |

Crosshouse Guild is 125 years young |
Congratulations to all members of Crosshouse Guild who have celebrated their 125th anniversary. That's 125 years of commitment and service to people in their church, community and wider world. Well done to all of you. |
Guild Weekend Away |
Almost 20 Guild members enjoyed a time of fellowship and activities to help support their work in their local Guilds. It was also a chance to make new friends and share ideas and encourage each other. The event was such a success that another event has been organised for 28th - 30th March 2025. If you would like to get more information when it becomes available please get in touch using the link below. |

Pray this month |
17th May : for Rt Rev Sally Foster Fulton as she prepares to hand over the reigns as Moderator, giving thanks for all the she has done and given to the Church over the past year. 18th May : for our Moderator Elect Rev Shaw Patterson as he prepares to take on his new role serving God and the Church of Scotland. 19th May : for our international delegates who enhance the deliberations of the Assembly and bring new and different perspectives to the debates this week. 20th May : for General Secretary, Karen Gillon, as she meets with representatives from across Scotland at Assembly to share insights into the work of the Guild. 21st May : for our National Convener, Rae Lind, as she presents the Guild report to the General Assembly asking that Commissioners will be open to supporting the work of the Guild. 22nd May : for our Mission Partner Fiona Kendall, working in Southern Italy with refugees and asylum seekers. 23rd May : giving thanks for the work of CrossReach who support some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. 24th May : for past National Convener, Helen Eckford, giving thanks for the ways in which she continues to support the Guild in her local area. 25th May : for the work of the Scottish Bible Society, asking God's blessing on all their work here in Scotland. 26th May : for all members of the Scottish Parliament, past and present. Giving thanks for their contribution to Scottish political and civic life over the past 25 years. 27th May : for Guilds across the Lothians as they meet together today to share ideas and encourage each other for the year ahead. 28th May : giving thanks for the work of Christian Aid and their local partners and thinking particularly of their work in Burundi. 29th May : for probationer ministers who are seeking God's call to the right congregation. Pray for guidance and patience as they wait. 30th May : for all involved in healing ministries across Scotland, praying that God will bless them as they support those in need of healing both physically and mentally. 31st May : for all involved in prison chaplaincy, asking that they are given guidance and courage as they work in our prisons and young offenders institutions. 1st June : for past National Convener, Elspeth Dale, who continues to be involved in her Guild and attending events organised by her Guilds Together group. 2md June : for all Guilds who are on their summer outings today, trusting they have a day full of fun and fellowship. 3rd June : for our four new project partners who will be announced on 4th June. Trusting that God will bless our new partnerships to His glory |
local level. NC15-24
Regional Reorganisation
At its away day in October the Leadership Team looked at a potential new structure and agreed to bring the following proposals to the National Council as a result of the following considerations:
1. The current structure was put in place when the Guild membership was considerably higher and there were more Guild branches.
2. When looking at the functioning of current Guilds Together network, 18 do not currently function.
3. Of those who remain many are struggling either because of the number of people coming to events or are have difficulty in finding office bearers.
4. Guilds Together Groups elect representatives to the National Council, with 18 areas not functioning it results in many areas not being part of the decision-making process does not provide good governance.
5. The reform of Presbyteries and the union of congregations will result in a further reduction a
6. Many other parts of the church, be that Kirk Sessions or National Committees have reduced numbers on their decision making bodies to streamline and make decision making more effective.
With these considerations in mind the proposals are as follows:
New Area Component GT Groups Guild Branches New NC Representation
Lothians Edinburgh
Esk Valley
Lothian East
West Lothian 19
Total: 51 2 members
Borders Berwickshire
Upper Tweed 3
Total: 17
1 member
Fife Dunfermline & Dis
North East Fife 7
Total: 37 2 members
Clyde Bute
Part of South Argyll
Total: 41 2 members
Ayrshire Ayr & District
North Ayrshire 26
Total: 55 2 membersin the number of Guild branches and can potentially see us separated from structures at
Dumfriesshire Annandale and Eskdale
Total:9 1 member
Galloway Machars
Stewartry 4
Total 16 1 member
Lanarkshire Hamilton North
Hamilton South
Total: 54 2 members
Glasgow Northern Glasgow East
Glasgow North
Total: 25 1 member
Glasgow Southern Glasgow South
Glasgow West 6
Total 18 1 member
North Highlands Caithness
Lewis will also be part of this group but will operate separately in recognition it is impossible for them to come to meetings on mainland and representation will come from 1 rotating island member.
Total: 13 1 member
Moray Firth
(already established) Inverness and Nairn
Part of old Moray West
Total 12 1 member
South Highlands Lochaber
Part of South Argyll 7
Total: 10 1 member
Islands Lewis
Each island grouping will sit within a GT group but will operate separately in recognition of the fact they will not be able to attend events on mainland and representation on the Council will be rotated. 1
Total 15 1 member to rotate
Angus and Tay Angus East
Angus West
Dunkeld and Meigle East 8
Total: 32` 2 members
Stirling and Perthshire Perth
Stirling & Clackmannanshire
Dunkeld & Meigle West
Falkirk & District
Total: 51 2 members
North Aberdeenshire Buchan East
Buchan West
Part Gordon
This area will also work closely with Moray and hold joint events wherever possible 10
Total: 21 1 member
South Aberdeenshire Aberdeen
Part Gordon
This area will also work closely with Moray and hold joint events wherever possible.
Orkney and Shetland will also be part of this group but will operate separately in recognition it is impossible for them to come to meetings on mainland and representation will come from 1 rotating island member. 10
Total: 24
(already established) Moray East
Part Moray West
This area will also work closely with North and South Aberdeenshire and hold joint events wherever possible.
Total: 13 1 member
This creates 18 Regionals groupings either based on new Presbyteries with a National Council of 26 members plus 1 additional member from the National Conveners area.
Within that you would still elect 4 National Vice Conveners.
So what now?
There is a realisation that these groups will not all operate in the same way however in whatever way they operate, at least every 3 years they will need to have a meeting of all Guilds to elect their National Council rep, Resource Coordinator and Project Coordinator. To reduce the number of formal meetings they may also wish to elect any office bearers at this time to serve a standard 3 year term. This will however be for each group to determine.
We will work with areas where there is more than 1 representative we will have a staggered time of service, i.e. someone will serve for 1 or 2 years and another for 3 years in the first term so that we have a both experienced and newer members on the Council so that not everyone changes at the same time.
In areas that have already moved to a wider grouping, they have a joint team from across their former areas that are organising events across their area, recognising that some people will go to all events, some to a few and some only to the events closest to them.
April National Conference enables 3 reps from each of the current GT areas to come together, agree or amend structure and agree a 5 year prioritisation programme for the Guild.
Session 2024-25 Guilds Together Groups begin working together, through shadow teams if necessary
March/April 2025 New Guilds Together groups formally established and office bearers and representatives elected
Session 2025-26 New structure begins
National Guild Council (NC)H.
Notes of the meeting held online on Tuesday the 23rd of April 2024.
The meeting opened with a welcome from the National Convener, Rae Lind. Rae read from Matthew chapter 28 v 20, reminding us that Christ is ever present with us.
Apologies were given and the minutes of the last meeting approved. Matters arising focused on the future development of the Young Adults Guild and a reminder that Branch Treasurers receive their information in respect of Capitation fees via mailings to Branch Conveners.
Nomination forms are now available for the nomination of the new National Convener and two National Vice conveners. Members of the NC were asked to consider being on the nomination committee, please contact Karen Gillon in respect of this.
A financial update from the General Secretary indicated that our finances are better than expected for the first 3 months of the year. A positive and encouraging position.
Our membership is also up at 10,800.
The National Conference in Perth on the 13th of April 2024, was hailed as a very encouraging and enthusiastic meeting, which members new to the Guild found very uplifting and informative. A positive experience. The conference unanimously supported the Regional Reorganisation of Guilds Together Groups (GTGs) proposals. The Perth conference acknowledged that there were challenges ahead: Distance, time, new people, compromise, communication, age and office bearers were sited. The biggest challenge was transport issues. There will be a £500 grant available, from the National Guild to the New Guilds Together Groups to help with transport needs. The conference asked about: information leaflets on : the new structure, how the capitation fee is spent, the function of GTGs, job descriptions of various roles within GTGs and affiliation fees from GTGs. Moray GTG is to join with Aberdeenshire. Travel support, social media accounts, new look website, National leadership team speakers and access to high profile speakers were also some of the other ‘asks ‘expressed by the conference. The ‘Asks’ were approved by the National Council.
Other discussions included:
Branch closures are inevitable with Churches going into Unions and even closing. How best to do this is being explored. Perhaps a celebration of some kind to recognise the contribution of the closing Guild could be explored, to enable a ‘good’ closure. Guild closures need to be Kirk Session approved. Some Guilds may need support in the transitional period and when joining with another Guild.
Training may be needed for branch and GTG office bearers.
Guild branches should notify the Guild Office by the end of June, if there are any changes of office bearers or contact details.
IT links to be better. WhatsApp groups could be created within GTGs. Emails of all office bearers to be obtained if possible.
Guild website to improve and GTG events could be promoted via the website.
Public Liability Insurance for GTGs to be explored by Karen Gillon, to ascertain whether a central policy of some kind, for all GTGs could be achieved.
The National Council unanimously approved of the New Regional Reorganisation structure.
Reports: all reports from the National Convener, General Secretary, Vice Conveners and Development worker were all accepted as read.
General Assembly 2024: The Guild report will be delivered around 11am on Tuesday the 21st of May. Anyone who would like to attend the GA, please let the Guild office know. Support needed with the Guild stall at lunchtime each day. The Big Sing is at 7pm that same day. Tickets from the Guild Office. Stewards needed from 6.15pm. Four of our Project partners will be speaking, and the offering will be going to two areas of Malawi which have been recently struck by floods.
Guild Week 2024: Guilds having events or services, please send details and photos to the Guild office.
Malawi Update: Four, £1300 grants have been received to pay for the flights of our Malawian visitors. There will be five Malawian Guild members attending the Annual Gathering and then staying with hosts Guilds during Guild week.
Young Adults Guild (YAG): We now have 40 email contacts for members of the YAG. Santus Media are to produce a promotional video to launch the group.
Name suggestion: LIFT (Love in Fellowship and Trust). May ultimately be their strap line, with reference to the Guild alongside.
An event may take place in March 2025 at the Conforti Centre in Coatbridge.
There could be Presbytery involvement.
Regular online meetings to commence in September 2024.
Youth Worker to support YAG: The Guild would like to explore the idea of providing seven hours a week of paid support to the YAG. The salary would come from legacy money and would probably be for a fixed term of three years. Annual salary would be in the region of £7, 248. A member of the group could join the National Council if at least one meeting was held of an evening. The YAG would have to link with the Guild Constitution. Karen Gillon to have a constitutional amendment for the General Assembly in 2025.
Someone already in a part time post as a presbytery youth worker may welcome some extra hours.
The National Council agreed that this was an area of work that they were happy to explore.
Communications and marketing: Tartan covers for hand tissues to be explored, along with a friend of the Guild badge and a small flag was also suggested.
Outreach: Minutes of the Integrity Group to be forwarded. Domestic Violence group have promotional pop-up banners for Guild use.
Events: Big Sing on 21/5/24, GT Conveners conference on 5/6/24. Project Coordinators conference on 4/6/24. Encourage different members to attend other than NC members.
Annual Gathering 2024 on 7/9/24. Communion with the Moderator. The four new projects will participate. Malawian Guest will be there. Pop up choir, anyone interested in joining should contact the Guild office. Music to be sent out soon. Only choir practice will be at lunch time on the day. There will be dancing!!
Guild profile: Suggestion of Sanctus media doing a promotional video, to be used by Kirk Sessons and at Presbytery. A leaflet for Ministers and Kirk Sessions was also muted, to raise the profile and role of the Guild within Church communities and to emphasise that the Guild is a Kirk Session organisation.
Karen Gillon has been invited to be a member of the Scottish Bible Society. Will attend AGM.
A list of NC retirals was issued.
Highland trip: Karen and Rae briefly outlined their recent road trip to Fort William, Dingwall, Orkney and Shetland. The visits to all the Highland Guilds was well worth doing and appreciated by the Guild members they met.
Kay Coull closed the meeting with a reading from 1st Corinthians 2 v 9-10 , ‘No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him’, a focus on the future . The meeting closed with prayer.
The next meeting will be in person on the 6th of June 2024.
